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The Process On How To Detoxify The Body Naturally

by Tatiana Alcazar

April 28, 2021

Detoxify your body.
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Every day, despite our best efforts, most of us expose our bodies to harmful chemicals and toxins.Unfortunately, toxins can be found practically everywhere. From the air we breathe to the food we eat, we are constantly exposing our systems to unnatural "junk" that can potentially wreak havoc on our bodies. Luckily, there are simple ways to eliminate those toxins by learning how to detoxify your body naturally. 

Many of the most commonly-used items in our homes have been shown to contain toxins. For example, household cleaners, makeup, prescriptions, and over-the-counter medications are just a few places where it might be lurking in your home.

After a while, these toxic substances begin taking a toll on our health.

The detoxification process can help to get rid of the toxins we've collected over time. 

If you're interested in learning the healthiest way to detoxify your body, this post is for you. Read on to find out how you can eliminate the unnatural substances that are weighing you down!

How Does Detoxification works? 

Basically, detox means cleansing, and intends to eliminate toxins from your body, promote weight loss, energize your body, nourish your skin and improve your mental health. Detoxification starts the process in the liver, and your kidney, lungs and gut plays an important role in it. But these organs can effectively eliminate substances only if they are healthy. 

How Do You Know If Your Body Has Toxins? 

Bennette suggests that everyone should detox at least once a year. However, for nursing mothers, children, and patients with underlying illnesses such as cancer, tuberculosis, must see their doctor before starting the detox. Toxic overload may cause several changes in the body.

Symptoms of toxins can easily manifest in different ways.

  • Skin problems (rashes, allergy, acne etc.)
  • Digestive problems, diarrhea and constipation.
  • Colds and Viruses 
  • Fatigue
  • Lower back pain
  • Mysterious Headache
  • Unexplained aches and pains

Detoxification: A Natural Process

The detox fad diets and products might have just recently caught on with modern-day society, but the idea is nothing new. In fact, we've been detoxing since the beginning of time.

In all actuality, our bodies are programmed to detox themselves.

We detox when we expel waste from our bodies with the help of various our bodily systems. Our digestive system and endocrine system are two of those that are heavily involved in the body's natural detoxifying processes.

For example, there are several studies that have shown the presence of toxins in our sweat. The studies reveal that substances such as arsenic, metals and toxic chemicals were dispelled in their subjects' sweat.

During exercise or when we sit in a sauna, we're helping usher harmful chemicals out of our bodies. Sweating is one of the body's ways of pouring out the nasty, harmful substances that we've accumulated. 

If this is true, you might be wondering if it's necessary for us to engage in additional detoxification on our own accord. The answer is yes...and no.

What Can You Do to Aid in Your Body's Natural Detoxification Process?

Fortunately, we can help boost our body's natural detoxification methods without relying on unnatural methods to do so.

As we've mentioned, one way that we can do this is through exercise or anything that might cause us to work up a sweat. But, there are other ways we can encourage detoxification, as well.

Some of the natural nutritional supplements on the market can help us dispel harmful free radicals and other toxins from our bodies. But, it's very important that you know exactly what you are taking and know that the ingredients won't cause your body to have to work to expel them, too. Many products that tout natural ingredients include non-natural ingredients that you might easily overlook if you aren't careful.

Choose a Healthy Way to Detox Your System

Everywhere you look, it seems, there are countless diets, fads, and products claiming their ability to "detoxify". But, they aren't all the magical potions they appear to be. In fact, some of the "detoxification" methods that purportedly cleanse your system could actually be causing your body more harm than good.

The key is to detoxify your system in the healthiest way possible to rid your bodily systems of harmful agents and chemicals you're storing.

At the same time, you don't want to introduce any additional toxins or throw your natural digestive system, or other systems, out of whack while attempting to detoxify. After all, detoxification is meant to promote the body's natural balance and wellness.

How to Detoxify Naturally?

Although our bodies are capable of detoxification, our lifestyle choices, diets, and environmental factors play a part as well.

If we live in a heavily polluted area, we are likely to inhale pollutants on a regular basis. If we choose to eat synthetic foods that are loaded with preservatives and chemicals, our bodies may not react positively. And, if we expose ourselves to harsh pesticides or house cleaning agents, we can absorb harmful substances through direct contact.

Since our body was not created to ingest unnatural, dangerous substances, it can be difficult to rid itself of such. This can interrupt our immune and digestive systems, causing our bodies to reap the unhealthy consequences of our actions.

Foods That Helps Detoxify

Fats and Oils. Natural fats and oils such as olive oil, organic coconut oil may provide energy during the process of detoxification. 

Fruits and Vegetables. Veggies and fruits are loaded with minerals. The veggies have silymarin, an antioxidant that may help the liver in the process of detoxification.

Legumes. The legumes contain a lot of antioxidant properties, they also have a good source of fiber.

Nuts and Seed. Take a healthy snack of almonds, walnuts and flax seeds and sunflowers which contain a lot of fiber. 

Proteins. The proteins may provide important help in removing the toxins in the body especially in the major phases of detoxification.

A Detoxifying Diet

One of the very best things that we can do to aid our body's natural detoxification process is to eat the right types of food and drink proper fluids.

Drinking plenty of water, while steering clear of sugary soft drinks, alcoholic beverages, or drinks that are high in caffeine is a great help in detoxifying your system.

Eating fruits and vegetables that contain antioxidants and are rich in vitamins as minerals can boost the immune system, speed up your body's metabolism, and strengthen your ability to fight off toxic invaders.

It also helps to avoid contact with harmful substances in the first place. Much of the toxins that we ingest or otherwise absorb are avoidable.

Check out ingredients on the food you eat and the products you keep in your home to ensure that you aren't sabotaging your health unknowingly.

Learn More About Natural Detoxification!

Detoxification can help you feel and look your best. It boosts your natural system's ability to get rid of toxins in a way that doesn't cause damage or cause you to lose the nutrients you need to stay healthy, unlike other detox methods.

Want to learn more about how you can help your body detoxify naturally?

Check out this post for a list of the top 12 detoxifying foods to find out more now! 


  1. "What You Know Can Help You - An Introduction to Toxic Substances." NEW YORK STATE, https://www.health.ny.gov/environmental/chemicals/toxic_substances.htm
  2. Sears, Margaret. "Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead, and Mercury in Sweat: A Systematic Review." Hindawi, 22 Feb. 2012, https://www.hindawi.com/journals/jeph/2012/184745/
  3.  Robbins, Ocean. "12 Detoxifying Foods to Help Your Body Heal Naturally." FOOD REVOLUTION NETWORK, https://foodrevolution.org/blog/detoxifying-foods/

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About the author 

Tatiana Alcazar  -  A software engineer, former IBMer, co-founder of Naravis Corporation and a mom, with a passion for finding the solution and root cause to everything that comes across, including health. It has been a long journey since founding Naravis and trying to find solutions to my leaky gut syndrome and pursue natural health. Throughout this journey I have learned an enormous amount of information (acquired knowledge) and I feel it's my duty to share my knowledge and my experience with you.

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