Can you remember a time in your life where you experienced no stress? Probably not and especially not recently.
We live in a society that seems to thrive off stress. From doom-mongering news to 24-hour emailing and the endless worry about health and wealth, it's no surprise that Americans are some of the world's most stressed-out people.
But stress doesn't have to be a daily companion. If you're wondering how to reduce anxiety naturally then know that it is possible. When you understand what is the stressor and what causes it in your life, you can take steps to manage and reduce it.
Would you like to see your stress go out the window and leave you alone? Can you imagine going about your day without feeling stressed out and longing for your bed?
Well keep reading, because I'm going to show you what stress is and how you can take control of it so it doesn't control you.
Wait, What Even Is Stress?
We all know what it feels like, but knowing what it actually is will help you understand why it's happening.
It is a natural and important response in your body that's evolved to help you deal with dangerous situations. When your brain thinks you're in danger, it releases cortisol and adrenaline to help out.
These chemicals raise your heart rate, give you greater focus, and even give you more strength. These things would help your problem-solve and act when faced with danger. Pretty cool, right?
It is supposed to be a temporary response to a specific situation, like grabbing your dog out of the path of a car or escaping from a wild animal. But in our modern society, the response is active too much of the time. This is chronic stress and instead of being helpful, it's outright bad for our health.
How Does It Affect Your Health?
As the stress response is designed to get you out of dangerous situations, your body focuses its energy in places like your muscles, pausing everything else. When we're stressed for long periods, our bodies can't function properly because they're always focused on the grizzly bear our brain is expecting.
Long-term stress has huge negative effects on your health. These might be digestive problems, difficulty sleeping, suppression of your immune system, and even increasing your risk of heart disease.
The longer you're stressed for, the more it affects all of your physical and emotional health.
Chronic stress is clearly bad news. Overtime, it can cause health problems including:
- Obesity
- High blood pressure
- Depression or anxiety
- Heart disease
- Skin diseases such as eczema and acne
- Digestive problems
- Weak immune system
Frequently, people who are suffering from chronic stress manage it with unhealthy behaviours such as;
- Using drugs
- Being alcoholic
- Overeating
- Smoking
- Gambling
How to Identify Sources?
By making a note of when you become stressed, you have more information to work with. Try keeping a diary for a week or two and jot down anything that is causing you stress.
By the end, you might be able to see patterns emerge of specific stressors. Once you've identified these, you can work to change them or change the way you view them.
For instance, if the traffic on the way to pick your kids up causes you a lot of stress, try to reframe that situation. You can't change the traffic, but you can instead see it as your own personal time. You could use the time to listen to a podcast or your favorite music.
Before long, that traffic isn't stressful, it gives you much-needed time to yourself.
Create a Plan to Manage Stress
For most of us, some level of stress is unavoidable at times. Life is unpredictable. But the way you live your life can not only reduce it, but it can make it much easier to deal with when it arises.
1. Exercise
Moving your body can play a big role in reducing stress. Exercise releases endorphins which naturally make you feel good, reduce pain, and help you sleep later on.
Exercise also helps to focus your mind and be more aware of your surroundings and in the present. You don't have to force yourself into a gym if you don't want to though, all sorts of things are exercise.
Meeting friends for a fun game of tennis, going for a run, or taking a trip to the swimming pool will all boost those endorphins. When you exercise, you'll also be getting fitter and healthier. Being healthy reduces your risk of illness, and if there's one stressful thing, it's getting sick.
2.Healthy Eating
Unhealthy foods make us feel sluggish and stop us from thinking clearly. When we want to nap and have foggy heads, it's all too easy to become irritable and stressed out with our tasks.
Being mindful of what you eat can help reduce stress dramatically. When you eat right, your body and brain will have the energy they need to deal with everything you encounter.
3. Work Life
Workplace chaos and stressed-out managers mean we face a lot of stressful situations the moment we walk into the office. And we're already stressed thinking about going to work.
Work stress needs to be managed proactively for the good of your health. That might mean delegating more, asking for help or even changing your job. This can be the hardest part of your life to change, but when you enjoy your work, it will dramatically reduce your stress.
4. Relaxation
No matter what's going on in your life, making time to relax is so important for your health. Whether it's having a bath and reading a book or doing a yoga session with candles and music, make this time a priority.
Taking time to relax re-centers your mind and body and helps you sleep. Good quality sleep is another essential way to reduce it.
5. Light a Candle
Candlelight can reduce stress soul. The illumination from the candle has a soothing effect that calms your mind and improves self-consciousness. Scented candles such as lavender, sandalwood and roma chamomile are also good to try.
6. Be in Nature
The benefits of connecting to nature is overwhelming in mind and body. Being in nature can help people to manage their stress and instantly improve their mood. Viewing natural scenes can bring positive responses in our brains, which involves your feelings and clear mind.
7. Take Supplements
There are three biological factors that contribute to anxiety: serotonin deficiency, low vitamin B6 levels, and low iron levels. Combining other methods and taking supplements may help to correct these three factors. Some of the most common are ashwagandha and lemon balm.
8. Take Yoga Classes
One of the most popular methods to manage stress is Yoga.It promotes relaxation that can benefit three aspects of ourselves that are often affected by stress: Mind, body and breathing.
9. Listen to music
Music is powerful. The sound of music harmonizes your mood that makes you feel relax when stressed. You can listen to classical music or American music can be particularly soothing. Simply listening to music that you enjoy can help too.
10. Smile and Laugh
Smiling and laughing spurs a chemical reaction in the brain releasing dopamine and serotonin hormones that increases happiness. It can also reduce the physical tension throughout your body. Laughing can improve positivity and strengthen your immune system.
11. Take a Deep Breath
When you take a deep breath, it increases the oxygen supply in your brain that stimulates the nervous system. It’s like brain sending a message to your brain to calm down and relax.
12. Quality Time With Family
Spending time with your family is a great way to manage your stressful days from your work. It can also improve your children's mental development. Do some family activities like picnic, eating out, and playing board games.
13. Mindfulness
Practicing mindfulness has several benefits physically and mentally. It improves your self-esteem and move past negative emotions. Mindfulness is about paying attention to your daily life.
14. Talk To A Friend
During the stressful times, being around with your BFF decreases the level of stress. Simply talking to them makes you feel less alone, and increases your sense of belonging.
15. Power Hug
People who hug regularly are more resistant to depression. Hugging can bring a feeling of ease and reduce the symptoms of depression. Hugging or even holding hands is a powerful way to convey the feeling of safety and love.
16. Power of Pets
Having a pet can reduce loneliness, increase the feeling of social support and improve your mood. Especially dogs and cats, they encourage you to play with them and exercise.
18. The Art of Saying No
Saying no doesn’t mean being selfish. When you say no to a new commitment, it just shows that you know your priorities. You honor your existing obligations and want to ensure to have quality time with them. Saying always yes isn’t healthy being overly committed may cause too much stress.
19. Write Down Your Emotions
Jotting down your worries and what your thinking is also a great outlet to manage stress. Once you write them down, you can start working out in a plan to resolve them. Just be honest with your feelings.
20. Love yourself
Remind yourself of the word “Love yourself”, when you are struggling to handle your anxiety. Self love is an act of valuing your wellbeing and your overall happiness.
Stop Being a Slave to Stress
You can take back your life from stress and stop being its slave. By identifying its causes, you'll be able to think about how you can change them.
You should also take the time to live mindfully, making sure you find an exercise you enjoy and eat healthy foods. These things keep you healthy and strong, both mentally and physically. When you're healthy, stress is much easier to deal with.
And of course, make time to relax. Really! Relax. Turn off that phone and do whatever it is that quiets your mind and makes your muscles release.
Follow me on social to get more tips about living in a balanced way and check out this article on listening to your body. Because listening to your body can be a great way of knowing when stress is around.
Julie , Ray . "Americans' Stress, Worry and Anger Intensified in 2018." GALLUP, 25 Apr. 2019, McLeod, Saul. "Stress, Illness and the Immune System."
SimplyPsychology , 2010, - "Stress At Work." HelpGuide,
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